
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Elenco's PK-201 Experiment #48: This AND That

In the first circuit configurations, the blue wire is the X input and the red wire is the Y input, and the left LED represent the output. The first circuit configuration is called an AND gate. One can see that both X and Y need to have an input (9v) for the gate to open or to light the left-LED. This means that for the AND gate to be open both X and Y need to have an input. The second circuit configuration is called a NAND gate. Here, the input is the same but both LED's represent an output. The NAND gate is a combination of the AND and NOT gates making it an inverse of the AND gate. For the NAND gate to be closed both the X and Y have to have an input (9v). To open the NAND gate, either X and Y or both inputs would need to be disconnected from the input of 9v.
Combinations of AND and OR gates are used to add and multiply numbers together in computers; in addition, to gates as NOT, NOR, and NAND allows computers to represent any input/output pattern one can think of. And by combining these gates with the memory and timing control that a flip-flop circuit provide, computers of today were created. 

AND gate
Both inputs not connected: gate closed

Both inputs connected: gate open

X input connected and Y input disconnected: gate closed

X input disconnected and Y input connected: gate closed

NAND gate
Both inputs connected: gate closed

Both inputs disconnected: gate open

X input connected and Y input disconnected: gate open

X input disconnected and Y input disconnected: gate open

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