The Evil Mad Scientist Shop has the "Three Fives" Discrete 555 Timer kit designed by Eric Schlaepfer. The "Three Fives" Discrete 555 Timer kit is a replica of the NE555 timer; more over, a full functional transistor-scale replica. The NE555 Timer was designed in 1971 by Hans Camenzind and is featured in IEEE Spectrum, May 2009 article "25 Microchips That Shook the World". The NE555 chip is so popular because it has three operating modes: Monostable, Astable, and Bistable. These three operating modes allow the NE555 chip to be used in a large variety of electronic products just a few are delay timers, alarms, logic clocks, LED and lamp flashers, and power supplies. I enjoyed assembling the "Three Fives" Discrete 555 Timer kit. I also like the fact that the "Three Fives" Discrete 555 Timer can be dropped into a circuit design that requires a 555 Timer chip. I find that it pulls back the veil on the small black microchip and shows the inner workings. The "Three Fives" Discrete 555 Timer kit took about an hour and is very easy to assemble.
Assembled |
Components |
Completed PCB |
Wired for testing. |
Circuit used for testing (Flashing LED). |