
Tuesday, April 2, 2013


I decided to sell my PanaVise 333 Rapid Assembly Circuit Board holder for the PanaVise 350 Multi-purpose unite. The 350 unite offers Ribbed, neoprene jaw pads and a self-centering 9-inch jaws. I did this because the 333 was too big for smaller PCB and did not allow me to work on the connections that were located at the edge of my PCB; more over, I could change out the vise with the 315 Circuit Board Holder (my preferred head for working a PCB). The 315 comes with a standard 12-inch cross bar, but, like me, one can buy bigger bars. I bought a 22 and 30-inch crossbar, and extra arms if I have two PCB on the bar at once. Lastly, I added the PanaVise 371 Solder Station, which is, a soldering iron holder, controlled solder wire feeder, and two sponges. The 371 is mounted with screws to the base of the vise. PanaVise for me is the best tool on the market for electronic hobbyist but PanaVise offers a wide selection of Vises and accessory's. In closing, I like to say that PanaVise offers the best customer service I have experienced. Thank you Cheri because you answered every question I had when I was putting together my vise.

PanaVise 350 Multi-purpose Work Center also a good shot of the  371 Solder Station.
PanaVisa with the 315 Circuit Board Holder good shot of the soldering iron holder and sponge.
Good shot of the solder wire control feed.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Infographic: Energy Security Trust | The White House

Something needs to happen.

Infographic: Energy Security Trust | The White House

Dale Wheat's Infrared Spotlight

This is an Infrared Spotlight on a 6x6 printed circuit board using six 100 ohm resistors and 36 IR light emitting diodes. The Spotlight requires a 12 VDC power-supply. In the pictures and video, the Spotlight did not illuminate or allow my camera to work in the dark, in other words, see in the dark . The Infrared Spotlight did seem to compliment my night owl scope with out using the scopes built-in IR. When I get the 12 volt battery pack, I can do a better assessment out of my work shop since I am tethered to my power supply currently. Some possible uses is as an IR-beckon, a complement to an IR-enabled device, or, possibly IR for a robot, but with the addition of IR light detectors.   


Friday, March 15, 2013

Elenco's Diode/Transistor Tester Kit Model DT-100K

The DT-100K is a great simple tool for testing Diodes and Transistors. I also like the throw back style of the DT-100K front panel's lay out. This tool allows one to identify if a Diode is in working order and the Cathode or Anode of the Diode; more over, the DT-100K will identify a NPN or a PNP Transistor and that the Transistor is working. In the video I test out the DT-100K. First, I test that the Diode testing functioning is working properly. I start by shorting the black and red leads together (this allows me to use the internal Diode in the test) and push in the test button. The alternating LEDs are a indication of a correct response. The last part of the Diode test is to connect a diode to the red and black leads. The two LEDs indicate which is the Cathode or Anode. The black lead out-put is the left LED and the red lead out-put is the right LED. The LED that lights indicates the Cathode side of the Diode. Second, I test the Transistor Operation, I short the yellow and black leads together and press the test button (shorting allows me to use the internal PNP or NPN Transistors in the DT-100K) then vary the base current with the knob and switch between the two Transistor types. The last part of the test I use a NPN-transistor. I do this test using the yellow test socket then with the green (emitter), yellow (base), and black (collector) leads. The only modification I had to make was to add four washers to the screws that hold in the front panel. If one uses just the screws, the panel will not stay secure because the heads are too small
First stage of assembly
Potentiometer connected with bare wire
Leads installed knots used to take pressure of solder to PCB
Connected Battery snap and Push button switch
Soldering the alligator clip
 When having to solder to bare metal, it is helpful to use fine sand paper to scratch the metal, so the solder applies better.

Finished DT-100K

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Elenco's Resistance Substitution Box Model K-37 or RS-400

Much like the last Substitution box the Model K-37 is easy to assemble. The resistance values are from 10 ohms to 1000k ohms or 1 meg ohm in 24 steps. A good tool for determining the desired resistance values in circuits under design or test. The video below show the testing out to make sure the knobs are in correct position.
Resisters through my magnifying lamb
Two knobs and switch upper center

The green jumper wires activate the knob based on the switch position
Assembled before adding front panel
Determining correct position for K ohm knob (right)
Determining correct position for the ohm knob (left)

Elenco's Capacitance Substitution Box Model K-38/CS-440

The Elenco's Model K-38 Capacitance Substitution Box is a trouble shooting tool that can be used in repairs. For example, where a capacitor value is unknown or in new electronic designs that the capacitor value is aloof. The Capacitance values are from 100picoFarad to 0.1microFarad. The video below shows the test out of the substitution box using a Multimeter.
Capacitors, switches, and wires installed on the PCB
PCB back soldered capacitors, switches, and jumpers installed